Sire Elite is growing, and we are looking for driven professionals to join our team. We have created a well-rounded team that has bought into a culture where each person feels comfortable being themselves. We are committed to developing executives that wish to excel in both their personal and professional lives. Our top-of-the-line leadership team is invested in your progress because the quicker our team members excel, the more profit our organization gains, and the greater the return on investment is for our clients. We are here to help you grow so the only question you have to ask yourself is: Am I ready to be elite?

Your Process To Become Elite
Once you are out of the preliminary training stage, you officially become a part of our team. It's your job to develop a positive relationship with your colleagues. Maintain that growth mindset you developed in the training stage and be willing to learn from your team members so that you can execute well in the field. Those who are able to cultivate these connections while furthering their individual growth networks will advance more quickly into a leadership position.
Growth Mindset
Each member of our team starts their journey by working with a mentor who shows them member what is expected. We hire our team members based on how much potential we think they have, not just to fill an open position. Each of our leaders is determined to amplify our team's current skillsets, expose them to new industry faculties, and provide individuals with the opportunity to get associated with world-renowned brands. This starts by you maintaining a growth mindset and listening to your mentor's constructive criticisms.
We understand that when people learn they grow, so we are always ready to invest in our team member's personal and professional development. We break this process up into stages so that each of our associates is set up for success in our business! Once you have mastered the fundamentals and developed your relationships, you will be able to rapidly rise through the ranks of our organization, become an owner of your own market, and even grow to be in charge of offices at the regional and national levels.